Xiaomiao Zhao
Sun Yat-sen University, China
Xiaomiao Zhao, MD.,Ph.D., an associate professor and associate chief physician of reproductive endocrine and advisor of Ph.D candidate, the vice president of Youth Committee of the Chinese OB/GT Committee of International Health Care Exchange and Promotive society. She has completed her M.D. at the age of 24 years and Ph.D at 30 years from Sun Yat-Sen University in Guangzhou, China and postdoctoral studies from Cedars-sinai medical center, University of California in Los Angeles, USA. She has published more than 45 papers, among which, over 19 papers in reputed English journals (e.g. Fertility and Sterility, Clinical Endocrinology, International of Caner, and International Journal of Cardiology, etc.) and serving as reviewer of International Journal of Cancer, JCEM and endocrinology. She takes charge of11 research grants of China.