Svetlana Colovic
Belgrade University, Serbia
Title: PCOS and quality of life among students of Belgrade University, Serbia
Biography: Svetlana Colovic
Background: Reproductive and sexual health is an important aspect of quality of life. PCOS is complex endocrine condition, being recognized as impacting students in Serbia and world at much greater degree than previously thought. The clinical and biochemical presentation is heterogeneous, but elevated serum concentrate of androgens are the most consistent biochemical abnormality. High percentages of women have insulin resistance and ultrasound picture of PCO. The most concern for students with PCOS is signs of obesity, hirsutism, acne, loss of hair, etc. Reviewing about 10,000 students of Belgrade University with PCOS during last 10 years, average 5 per day, age 17 to 26 showed importance of early diagnosis and early treatment as the best way to protect reproductive health.
Methods: Descriptive correlation research design is conducted in Women’s Department, Health Care Institute for University Students Belgrade, Serbia. Data was collected from 1000 female students for last 5 years with PCOS, with or without medical or alternative treatment, in the form of questionnaires plus gynecological and ultrasound exam by myself.
Results: The result showed that the most of the study of the sample (>60%) have negative implicate on quality of life (social, sexual, self-respect, etc.). Women with PCOS without treatment (medical or alternative) were 94%. Women with PCOS with treatment (medical or alternative) were 30%.
Conclusion: Importance of early diagnosis especially subclinical forms of PCOS, early diagnosis and appropriate treatment as crucial thing in prevention and improvement of reproductive health, good quality of life, sexual health, self-confidence and self-respect of Belgrade students and young people at all is concluded.