Awatif Al Bahar
Dubai Health Authority, UAE
Title: Management and treatment of PCOS patients undergoing ART
Biography: Awatif Al Bahar
Polycystic ovaries syndrome (PCOS) is noted to affect 5% to 10% of women of reproductive age all over the world, which is approximately 4 million individuals. Its prevalence among infertile women is 15% to 20%. PCOS accounts for 95% of cases of hyper-androgenism and is responsible for over 20% of all cases of amenorrhea. Studies also reveal that 75% of all cases of an ovulatory infertility are caused due to PCOS. Coming to the economic perspective, according to the statistics available to us, experts have calculated the mean annual cost of the initial evaluation for PCOS to be about 93 million (2.1% of total costs). It is notable that hormonally treating menstrual dysfunction / abnormal uterine bleeding is estimated to cost about 1.35 billion (31% of total). Providing infertility care incurs an expenditure of about 533 million (12.2% of total), treatment of PCOS – associated diabetes comes to around 1.77 billion (40.5% of total), and that of treating hirsutism costs in the range of 622 million (14.2% of total). The presentation will discuss the pros and cons of PCOS. We will dwell on the relation of other medical sub-specializations with the treatment of PCOS, with special emphasis on overcoming the problems for PCOS in IVF. Highlights of the discussion will include how we can avoid ovarian hyperstimulation syndrome, diagnosis and mild stimulation, oral contraceptive pre-treatment, antagonist/GnRH agonist to trigger ovulation, use of Metformin in treating PCOS, freezing of embryos.